The largest body organ is the skin. Hence, this layer protects us from the outside world. It serves as a shield from bacteria, viruses, and pollution. Also, skin balances our body temp, fluid balance, and moisture. It acts as a shock absorber and alerts us from danger. Aside from these helps, it can defend itself from harm and stress. Growing a callus is an example. It is good to know that there is available callus treatment for all.
Calluses occur as the body’s way to protect the skin. As a result, the skin will grow thick and dry. Though it is normal, it can cause discomfort for some. If calluses became painful or cause you to stress, you can undergo tests and treatments.
1. Salicylic Acid
This acid can exfoliate and clean the skin. For calluses, doctors may apply a patch with 40% of this acid. Also, you can buy these patches without a doctor’s prescription. It is an effective callus or corn removal pad. Examples of these products are Clear Away and MediPlast.
This acid is safe for the skin, but it may also cause side effects. However, there is a high chance of skin irritation for kids. It happens due to their skin’s fast absorption of the acid. Additionally, if you have allergies or taking other drugs, let your doctor know.
2. Soak and File the Callus
Soak the part of your body with the callus in warm water. By doing so, you are making the skin softer, and the thickened skin will be easy to remove. Therefore, do it until the skin softens. This step can take 5 – 10 minutes.
After dipping the callus in warm water:
- Use a pumice stone to file the callus.
- Be gentle in the filing.
- Do it in a circular or sideways motion.
By doing so, you’ll remove the dead skin. To avoid further problems with this callus remover tip, do not apply too much pressure.
3. Moisturizing Lotion or Cream
Putting a lotion or cream will hydrate the skin. Hence, keeping the skin soft will help you file off the dead skin. You can also search for such with salicylic acid.
4. Padding
To stop further irritation for the callus, make or buy padding. Likewise, pads protect the skin where the callus has grown. Callus and corn removal pads make it easier to shed the skin cells.
5. Comfortable Footwear
An ill-fitting shoe is one of the common causes of callus. However, do not wear too tight or too loose shoes. Instead, wear one that fits you. Buy and choose footwear perfect for your foot’s size and shape.
Aside from the shoes, buy socks that put you to ease. Those who do not wear socks are at high risk of having callus and corns. If the socks that you wear bring discomfort, avoid wearing them. Above all, find a better one.
6. Trim the Toenails
Long toenails occupy space in your shoes. As a result, other surfaces of your foot’s skin will get pressure. Therefore, the pressure might cause another callus or further thicken an existing one. Keep your toenails trimmed, not too long and not too short.
7. Skin Trim
If the callus removers above did not aid, seek medical help. Hence, let doctors do this callus treatment. They will trim off the thick skin layers. Also, do not do this alone or without medical help. Doing it on your own might lead to problems like bleeding and infection. For further treatment and prevention of calluses, avoid the following:
- Also, not wearing comfy or any socks. Take note that some socks can even irritate the skin.
- Smoking. Studies suggest that smoking increases the risk of having calluses.
- Health problems. Other health conditions like diabetes make it easier for people to develop a callus. Additionally, live a healthy life. Avoid too many sweets and other conditions that cause poor blood flow.
- Also, applying harmful substances to the callus. Consult a doctor before applying any chemical to your callus.
- Hence, friction and pressure on the skin can cause it.
To ensure that you have a callus, know its symptoms. Corn and blisters can be mistaken as a callus. These two can be more painful. Again, a callus is normal. Do not panic about having one. It is not fatal. Do the treatments above if callus stresses and affects your daily activities. But if it doesn’t, leave it alone.