All living things need heat. Hence, it plays a vital role in our house chores and industry. If it is absent, we cannot cook, eat, or dry clothes. However, excess heat can hurt us or even kill us. It causes shock, organ failure, or brain damage. From 1979 – 2013, there have been more than 9,000 deaths from heatstroke. Still, we can prevent heat injury. The best thing is to find quick medical help. Also, children 4 years below and those above 65 years of age are more vulnerable. It is because their body finds it hard to adjust to the temperature. Yet, it can be fatal to anyone. If someone experiences heatstroke, these are heatstroke treatments done.
1. Get out of the heat.
Exposure to the sun or extreme heat increases the body temperature. Therefore, getting out of such a situation will serve as a heat exhaustion treatment. It will stop the body temperature from getting higher. Place the person in an air-conditioned place. The place must be cool, shaded, and not overcrowded.
2. Remove tight clothing and accessories.
Take off extra clothes worn by the person. Hence, if the person is an athlete, remove heavy gear like helmets, gloves, or shoulder pads.
3. Cool the body.
A cool bath will lower body temperature. Place the person into a tub of cool water. You can also spray using a garden hose. If there are no tub or showers at that time, use ice packs, cool towels, or sponge. Also, put it onto the neck, armpits, and skin. Above all, regulating the temperature is an effective heat exhaustion treatment.
4. Lie down and raise the legs.
Let the injured lay on their back. It is essential to raise the legs higher than the heart level. As a result, it will get the blood flowing to the heart.
5. Take sips of fluids.
Did you know that 60% of our body is water? It needs fluid to function. Before the stroke occurred, the person has already lost lots of fluids in the body.
A person with heatstroke can experience dehydration. Therefore, it is important to give fluids such as water or a sports drink. Sports drink also contains salt and sugar. Do not give salt tablets unless the doctor prescribes them. Make them take sips. Do not let them gulp lots of water to avoid choking. Do not give an alcoholic, sugary, or caffeinated drink. Drinks with caffeine are coffee, tea, and soda. Avoid too cold drinks to prevent stomach cramps.
6. CPR
In cases where the person loses consciousness, stops moving or breathing, start CPR. If 911 has not arrived, consult someone who can do proper CPR.
Preventive and further heat stroke recovery tips:
- Wear loose-fit clothing and a hat.
- Stay indoors.
- Apply sunscreen. If you can’t skip going outside, apply sunscreen.
- Avoid doing activities on a hot day. Do it early morning or after the sunsets.
- Observe the urine color. Hence, drinking fewer water results in darker urine color. And drinking enough water will result in light urine color.
- Measure body weight before and after exercise. It will help you know how much fluids you lost.
- Track body temperature.
- Drink plenty of fluids. Water plays an essential part in overall health. Even if you feel good, drink enough water. Athletes or those who do excessive training must drink 17 oz of water 2 hours before exercise.
- Always have someone to go with you. A buddy will take care of you once you experience symptoms of heatstroke. It is wise to inform people you trust about.
- Avoid risky conditions. A crowded and hot place is not the right place to stay or work on. Do not go to areas with high humidity and low air ventilation.
The person who experienced heat stroke must stay in the hospital for a day or more. Doing this will help doctors detect complications. Complications occur if there is no immediate heatstroke treatment. Further problems include permanent vital organ damages or death.
The period of heatstroke recovery ranges from 2 months to a year. It also includes the damages and effects on the body organs. Take care of your body. Follow the treatments and preventive measures to avoid complications. A healthy lifestyle lessens the risk of having a health-related illness.