Summer months are one of the most exciting times of the year for kids. However, it is also dangerous for them. By staying longer outside under the heat of the sun, a child can suffer from this illness. Heatstroke in children can happen anytime, especially during very hot weather. It is good for parents to keep their babies and children safe. Playing outside is an important part of a child’s development, but it is good to apply some sunscreen with enough SPF. Besides that, drinking a lot of water, comfortable clothing, and rest time is the best way to avoid heat exhaustion.
1. Know the Signs
Right before heatstroke in children happens, there are signs of mild heat exhaustion like heat cramps. Hence, it can happen right after playing under the sun for a few hours. Also, it is caused by a lack of water in the body because of too much sweating. The following are signs in children.
- A rise in body temperature that is not more than 104˚ Fahrenheit
- Skin that feels very cold even under the sun
- Goosebumps
- Slight headache
- Weakness
- Too much sweating
- Muscles cramps
- Irritability
- Vomiting
2. Signs in Children
Moreover, some children are more likely to experience it if they are:
- Overweight or obese
- Taking medicines
- Have sunburns
- Sick
When it happens, parents should find relief for their children quickly. Furthermore, if left unattended, then it can lead to a deadly heatstroke. In case a child shows some signs because of extreme heat, then one should:
- Immediately bring the child to a cooler place
- Let the child drink some fluid with salt like a sport drink
- Put some wet towel on the skin
- Massage the part of the body experiencing cramps like legs or rams
- Loose his or her clothes to allow air to pass through
- Pt the child into a tub with cold water
- Not push liquid if the child is unconscious
However, in the event that the child is unable to drink, immediately seek medical help.
3. Signs in Babies
This heat problem in babies is very rare, but it can happen. Hence, if you allow the baby to stay outside under the sun’s heat for too long, it can cause a rise in body temperature. Also, babies are not able to communicate. Likewise, they cannot tell you if something is wrong with them. Therefore, parents must look out for some signs like:
- Uneasiness
- Fast breathing
- Irritability
- Too much crying
- Vomiting
If a baby shows any sign of heatstroke, it is important to quickly look for sunstroke treatment by calling a doctor or hospital for an emergency. While you wait for help, a parent can:
- Undress the baby
- Bring the baby indoor with a cooler environment
- Lie down the baby but slightly raise his or her feet
- Give them a lukewarm bath if the baby is awake
- Let the baby sip some cold water if awake
- Turn the baby into his or her side to avoid choking when vomiting
4. Prevention
Preventing it from happening is better than any sunstroke treatment. Furthermore, it is the parent’s duty and responsibility to ensure the safety of their children. Hence, playing can be done during colder times within the day, like in the afternoon or early morning. Also, look for shady places when going outside. Kids need to take a long break and drink a lot of water.
Proper clothing is very important for the comfort and safety of a child. Therefore, choose clothes that are not tight fitting. Also, it is better to let them wear light-colored clothes that can absorb sweat. Lastly, let the child become aware of the importance of water breaks and rest.
5. Recovery
Heat exhaustion recovery time is normally can last for 30 minutes or less. Hence, the recovery time depends on the prompt treatment given to the child. A complete heat exhaustion recovery time is within 24 to 48 hours. However, one can shorten the length of time by drinking a lot of fluid, especially electrolytes.