During the summer, it is fun to go outdoors and enjoy the heat of the sun. But excess exposure to the sun’s heat may cause heat exhaustion. It may also lead to stroke if not treated. Sunstroke is a condition where the body is overheating. It is when the body’s temperature rises to 104 F (40 C). It is the result of prolonged exposure to places with high temperatures. Such a condition is expected during the summer.
Important Note:
Heat exhaustion is different from heat stroke. It is not usually serious, but if not treated right away, it will lead to heatstroke. Cooling down for 30 minutes prevents exhaustion. It will lower the chance of having a heatstroke. Suppose you are experiencing heavy sweating, fast pulse, and heat cramps. Move to a cooler place, stop all the activities, and rest. Hydrate yourself. Drink cold water or a sports drink.
What are the causes of heatstroke?
1. Intense Activity
It is not good to do activities that need a lot of strength while exposed to high temperatures. Your body’s ability to adjust to the high heat depends on your age. If you are very young, your central nervous system has not yet developed. It becomes harder to last in the hot weather. The same happens for adults over 65 years old. It is because your central nervous system is declining.
2. Wearing too many clothes.
A thick layer of clothes prevents the body from cooling down. Wearing these kinds of clothes during the hot weather does not allow the sweat to evaporate. As much as possible, do not wear thick jackets and avoid wearing layers of clothes. Wearing these kinds of clothes is not meant for the warm weather. Try wearing clothes that are more breathable and looser.
3. Drinking alcohol
It may affect your body’s ability to balance its temperature. Alcohol widens your blood vessels. If the blood vessels are wider, more blood will flow to your skin. That makes you flush and feel warm.
4. Not drinking enough water.
It is important to hydrate during hot weather. Our body needs to replenish the fluids lost from sweating. When you sweat a lot, you will get thirsty. It is because our body loses the fluids that our body needs. To make up for the lost fluids lost. We need to drink plenty of water.
5. Lack of proper air circulation.
Without proper air conditioning during hot weather increases the chances of sunstroke. It is hard to breathe in a place with no proper ventilation. Our body needs oxygen, and without it, our body would not be able to do its function.
Heat exhaustion that is left untreated will lead to heatstroke. The most common heatstroke symptoms are:
1. High body temperature.
High body temperature is the main sign of heatstroke. Hence, it can happen when the body has a temperature of 104 F (40 C) or higher. To know your body’s temperature, use a thermometer.
2. Changes in behavior.
One might feel confused and upset because of stammering speech. Also, some may become very irritable. It is possible to experience fainting and seizures.
3. Change in sweating.
Heatstroke during hot weather makes the skin hot and dry. Activities that use too much strength also cause heatstroke. In this case, your skin would feel dry and moist.
4. Skin Redness
You could see your skin turning red as your body temperature increases. It is because there is a large amount of blood flowing in your vessels. So, the skin turns red. Our body can regulate its temperature during summer when the weather is warm. Aside from the widening of blood vessels, the body releases heat in the form of sweat. It is the body’s way to adjust body temperature to make it safe for organ systems.
5. Increased heart rate.
Since your breathing pattern has changed, it may also affect your heart rate. Heat stress puts a burden on your heart to help the body to cool down.
You need to be aware of the heatstroke symptoms and causes. It can prevent it from worsening. If not treated right away may cause complications. Like, vital organ damage and death.